The Lanterne Rouge Wins the Tour de Frolorado!

The past few weeks have produced stunning news in the world of competitive cycling. But no news is more fantastic than the unprecedented victory of Taxman and the Lanterne Rouge in the Tour de Frolorado. Follow all the action on youtube:

Or, if you prefer, you can find the Tour de Frolorado on Google Video. Also, here’s a transcript covering all the stages.

This historic news video is freely available for remixes, mash-ups, abbreviations, extensions, and DVD burning. You can download it from the Tour de Frolorado page in the Internet Archive. Some fun projects to contemplate and perhaps even complete:

  1. Add captions to the make the video more accessible to deaf and hard-of-hearing persons.
  2. Include a memorial for Ben Inglis. He was tragically killed in an accident in the last stage of the tour.
  3. Include other cyclists, other teams …anyone who wants to be part of the Tour.
  4. Think you should have won a stage, or the whole Tour? Go for it!

Please include the existing credits in your new video. If you get a chance, please send me a link to your work. Then I might feel a small measure of paternal delight and share your new creation with all my friends.

For your viewing pleasure, the prologue and stage 1 of this epic bicycle race are right here:

Note: This post has been updated as I’ve sorted out various problems.

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