COB-97: training essential for bureaucracy
While traditional educational institutions have considerable bureaucratic merit, they are no longer sufficient training in today’s bureaucracies. … Read the post COB-97: training essential for bureaucracy
A celebration of bureaucrats and bureaucracy. Whether in government, business, or non-profits, meetings, reports, meetings, conferences, reports, and meetings constitute daily life in a large organization.
While traditional educational institutions have considerable bureaucratic merit, they are no longer sufficient training in today’s bureaucracies. … Read the post COB-97: training essential for bureaucracy
As the failure of British colonial bureaucracy indicates, the Bureaucratic Golden Rule is much more practically important than the Cobra Effect. … Read the post COB-96: Cobra Effect highlights Bureaucratic Golden Rule
Top bureaucracies have formal programs of continual bean-counting skill development. Under the American Bean Counters Association’s Continuing Bean Counting Education (ABCA CBCE) standards, managers are required to drop a handful of three-bean mix on each worker’s desk monthly. The worker must successfully separate and count the brown, green, and red beans within the ABCA CBCE … Continue reading COB-95: bean-counting skill development
With the increasing prevalence of cyber-attacks, leading bureaucracies are implementing new layers of software protection. Advanced bureaucratic security software prevents employees from installing any software on a computer or loading any data on the computer. The software also prevents employees from transferring any data or files from a computer. Printing is also forbidden. Use of … Continue reading COB-94: bureaucratic software tools
Despite the unfortunate development of new information technologies, the best bureaucratic jobs remain concerned with shuffling paper. Deep within an abandoned coal mine in Pennsylvania, bureaucrats in outstanding jobs have worked for decades to this day processing the retirement paperwork for all federal government retirees. They collect paper documents into files and then type the … Continue reading COB-93: best bureaucratic jobs are in paper