COB-95: bean-counting skill development

Top bureaucracies have formal programs of continual bean-counting skill development.  Under the American Bean Counters Association’s Continuing Bean Counting Education (ABCA CBCE) standards, managers are required to drop a handful of three-bean mix on each worker’s desk monthly.  The worker must successfully separate and count the brown, green, and red beans within the ABCA CBCE … Continue reading COB-95: bean-counting skill development

COB-94: bureaucratic software tools

With the increasing prevalence of cyber-attacks, leading bureaucracies are implementing new layers of software protection.  Advanced bureaucratic security software prevents employees from installing any software on a computer or loading any data on the computer.  The software also prevents employees from transferring any data or files from a computer.  Printing is also forbidden.  Use of … Continue reading COB-94: bureaucratic software tools