Hebrew scripture in Greek: sharing communications media

For believers, no communications media is more important than that connecting God with humans.  Jews and Christians for more than 1500 years read the same sacred scripture, the Tanakh/the Old Testament, in the same language, Greek.  Jews and Christians lived in close geographic proximity while interpreting the sacred text rather differently.  They both engaged in … Continue reading Hebrew scripture in Greek: sharing communications media

Orwellian authorship

The title page declares: Seneca’s Oedipus Adapted by Ted Hughes Introduction by Peter Brook Illustrated by Reginald Pollack Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, New York 1972 The next page notes: Note: Seneca’s Oedipus is the sole property of the author and is fully protected by copyright. … All rights, including professional, amateur, stock, radio … Continue reading Orwellian authorship

books or greeting cards?

“Content” producers — journalists and writers, book authors, musicians, film-makers, and similar professions — are becoming digital goods producers. Person thinking about how digital goods producers can make money might ponder two old-fashioned paper goods: books and greeting cards. According to U.S. Census Bureau surveys, from 2001 to 2007, greeting card publishers received about 50% … Continue reading books or greeting cards?

the fate of traditional print media

Traditional print media are facing major challenges from digital communications networks that allow everybody to share written words at low cost.  The U.S. newspaper industry reports tremendous opportunities and exhibits fiery indignation at the newspaper industry’s ongoing meltdown.  As recent analysis has highlighted, general-interest mass-market periodicals seem to have lost any special value as a … Continue reading the fate of traditional print media