historical roots of the Academy Awards
The average quality of YouTube videos is as good as the quality of pioneering films. Charlie bit my finger tops boxing cats. … Read the post historical roots of the Academy Awards
The average quality of YouTube videos is as good as the quality of pioneering films. Charlie bit my finger tops boxing cats. … Read the post historical roots of the Academy Awards
YouTube is to video today what Kodak was to photography a century ago: providing a technological platform for user content creation. … Read the post YouTube is like Kodak a century ago
This YouTube video of mine prompted the following comment (quoted in its entirety): “this is real gay.” Does that mean that the video is fabulous?
YouTube now supports video captions. Captions are uploaded as a separate text file. YouTube also provides automatic translation of these captions into many languages. Web tools for creating caption files are free and easy to use. I recently used overstream to create captions for a docudrama some friends and I made. Making captions takes time … Continue reading captions: helping users, helping yourself
YouTube’s Video ID technology points to an important new business model. Video ID finds copyrighted content that has been uploaded to YouTube. It then gives the copyright holder the choice to block, promote, or monetize that content. Copyright holders benefit from being able to exploit free, decentralized distribution and promotion of their work. Google/YouTube benefits … Continue reading YouTube's new business model