Douglas Galbi, the author of purple motes

profile picture of Douglas GalbiWelcome to Douglas Galbi’s purple motes: artifacts to help you imagine more. May you perceive a bit of the divine and amusing amidst purple motes. And rubbish, too. I remind you that rubbish is part of life.

If you’re looking for a particular post or topic, your best bet is to try using the search box on the right column near the top. Or try the (partial) topic index.  I encourage you to explore what you’re not looking for. That will make your life more wonderful.

Here’s some information about me petrified from my stream of life. You can find a lot of my work on Galbi Think!, as well as my YouTube channel. You can also see my thought in time through this journal.  For example, if you want to see what I was thinking about in August, 2011, use the URL  You can form other similar URLs for other months and dates.  purple motes began in November, 2005.

You can follow purple motes via RSS reader services, or by signing up to be emailed new posts.

Here’s some information about contacting me.

20 thoughts on “Douglas Galbi, the author of purple motes”

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    I also learned while reading the report at the second URL that Federal law [42 US Code 654(21)(a)] caps the amount of interest that a state may charge on child support arrears.

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  3. Can you please tell me where to get data to round out your amazing data set to go beyond 2007? Thanks

  4. Douglas Galbi knits together sources, some well studied and some more obscure, to reconstruct the nuance of the imbalance of power between the genders, both historically and today. In so doing he puts himself in the position of a renegade going against the grain of the established academia. Despite being unconventional in this, his efforts are methodologically sound and well within the practices of the craft of a professional historian. This is not to say that one is always forced to accept his conclusions, yet they are argued in a convincing and thorough way that well exceeds the practices of some of the less sensible feminist authors writing in the field. I can recommend this blog with a clear conscience that I am supporting scholarly work and genuine food for though.

  5. maravilhoso texto, parabens, muito esclarecedor e iluminador e descontrucionista, para o arquitetos que admioram Vitruvius e da vinci, rsrsrsrs
    vou utilizar esse texto como referencia a uma critica de vitrrivius
    fernando fuão

  6. Douglas, I admire your great knowledge of Byzantine history. I’m writing a screenplay about the Alexiad, and I’m planning to send it to Nicoll Fellowship or Bluecat Contest. Would you like to help me? My email is *****@*.com and my discord is mariaguida#8172

    Best regards,

    1. Lucas, Thanks for your offer, but I’m in the thick of several projects that I’m keen to do. Best of luck with your screenplay. Please post a link to it here if it’s published or if there’s some news about it.

      Best regards,

      P.S. — I obscured your email address in your original comment just to lessen the risk of it getting to more spammers. Not a big problem, but I now have your email address, so no need to have it posted publicly here.

  7. After reading around 30 pages on this site i only just found out (in writing) they were by a man and not a woman. from one man to another, i hope this absurd compliment is understood.

      1. Turn this website into humanities holy scripture and the heavens are bought down to earth.

        Being here warms my heart and kisses my soul.

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