An influential 1995 scholarly article debuted the Modern Sexism Scale. That article began ominously in the first sentence of its abstract:
Prejudice and discrimination against women has become increasingly subtle and covert (N. V. Benokraitis & J. R. Feagin, 1986). [1]
Prejudice and discrimination against men, in contrast, is blatant and overt. Discrimination against men is written explicitly in sexist Selective Service registration rules. International measures of gender gaps in lifespan naturalize and explicitly ignore men’s lifespan disadvantages. Men have no reproductive rights. Men are imprisoned for nothing more than having consensual sex and being unable to pay government-imposed sex payments (“child support”). Men face enormous gender disparities and discrimination in child custody awards.
Sexism against men is coded into social-scientific studies of sexism that use only the Modern Sexism Scale. The Modern Sexism Scale measures three factors of sexism:
- denial of continuing discrimination {against women}
- antagonism toward women’s demands
- resentment about special favors for women [2]
The Modern Sexism Scale is obviously sexist. It’s completely gynocentric.[3]
To combat sexism, the gynocentric Modern Sexism Scale should be complemented with the New Modern Sexism Scale. The New Modern Sexism Scale measures sexism along three additional factors:
- denial of discrimination against men
- antagonism toward men’s demands
- resentment about concern for men
The Modern Sexism Scale together with the New Modern Sexism Scale measure sexism without the sexism of the Modern Sexism Scale. If that doesn’t make sense to you, you’ve identified yourself as maximally sexist and no further scientific measurement is needed.
Sexism is further measured by presenting subjects with statements. Subjects respond to the statements using with five choices of agreement ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. If the statement is essentially sexist, as determined by the credentialed authority administering the examination, then intensity of agreement is coded increasing from 1 to 5. If the statement is essentially correct-thinking non-sexism, then intensity of disagreement is coded increasing from 1 to 5. Statements of direct and reverse coding for sexism help to encourage thoughtful responses. The integer codes for responses are added up to label just how sexist the respondent is.
In the Modern Sexism Scale, eight gynocentric statements measure sexism:
- Discrimination against women is no longer a problem in the United States. {more strongly agree is more sexist}
- Women often miss out on good jobs due to sexual discrimination. {more strongly disagree is more sexist}
- It is rare to see women treated in a sexist manner on television. {more strongly agree is more sexist}
- On average, people in our society treat husbands and wives equally. {more strongly agree is more sexist}
- Society has reached the point where women and men have equal opportunities for achievement. {more strongly agree is more sexist}
- It is easy to understand the anger of women’s groups in America. {more strongly disagree is more sexist}
- It is easy to understand why women’s groups are still concerned about societal limitations of women’s opportunities. {more strongly disagree is more sexist}
- Over the past few years, the government and the news media have been showing more concern about the treatment of women than is warranted by women’s actual experiences. {more strongly agree is more sexist} [4]
The New Modern Sexism Scale uses eight androcentric statements to measure sexism:
- Discrimination against men has never been a problem in the United States, and if it were a problem women’s groups would be very concerned about that discrimination. {more strongly agree is more sexist}
- Men often miss out on time with their children due to gender roles directing men to earn money and sexual discrimination in child custody awards. {more strongly disagree is more sexist}
- It is rare to see men treated in a sexist manner on television. {more strongly agree is more sexist}
- On average, people in our society treat wives and husbands equally. {more strongly agree is more sexist}
- Society has reached the point where men and women have equal opportunities for personal fulfillment. {more strongly agree is more sexist}
- It is easy to understand the anger of men’s groups in America, particularly since their existence is rarely acknowledged, and when acknowledged, commonly misrepresented and ridiculed. {more strongly disagree is more sexist}
- It is easy to understand why men’s groups are concerned about societal limitations of men’s opportunities. {more strongly disagree is more sexist}
- Over the past few years, the government and the news media have been showing more concern about the treatment of men than is warranted by men’s actual experiences. {more strongly agree is more sexist}
The subject’s scored responses for the eight statements in the Modern Sexism Scale and the eight statements in the New Modern Sexism Scale are separately summed to form dual sexist scores. These scores are linearly normalized to the 1 to 10 scale widely used for personal evaluation.
Scientifically measured sexism is critical for objectively and authoritatively declaring persons to be sexist. Extreme values on the Modern Sexism Scale (MSS) and the New Modern Sexism Scale (NMSS) have clear implications:
- MSS=1 and NMSS=10: Likely to become a tenured professor. Incapable of learning. Will remained mired in sexism against men for the rest of her or his life.
- MSS=1 and NMSS=1: Shrewd survey respondent. Recognizes and affirms prejudices implicit in social constructs. Will successfully rise to the top of egalitarian social elite.
- MSS=10 and NMSS=1: Outlaw renegade. Must be suppressed and silenced for the good of the dominant discourse.
- MSS=10 and NMSS=10: Equally sexist person. Does not discriminate between women and men. Urgently needs sexist education to become less sexist.
Intermediate values of MSS-NMSS represent mixed beliefs and attitudes. When in doubt, declare the person to be sexist and in need of sexist education. Calling for more research on sexism is also favored among sexism researchers. [5]
The study that set out the Modern Sexism Scale linked sexism and racism. Racism in the U.S. arose from a history of chattel slavery and pervasive racial segregation. There is no such history of sexism. Across all the generation of human beings, men and women have lived together, intimately related, and worked together to raise children. Being oblivious to that reality, like administering only the Modern Sexism Scale, indicates extreme sexism.
* * * * *
Read more:
- sexism in the World Values Survey
- sex discrimination in Titanic chivalry myth scholarship
- cultural cognition in social self-construction of intellectual elite
[1] Swim, Aikin, Hall & Hunter (1995) p. 199 (abstract). The Modern Sexism Scale was influential enough to be included in Baron et al. (2007).
[2] Swim, Aikin, Hall & Hunter (1995) p. 212.
[3] Id. described two studies “validating” the Modern Sexism Scale. Respondents in the first study:
Respondents were 418 women and 265 men from an introductory psychology course who received extra credit for their participation. Nearly all respondents were European-American.
Id. p. 201. Respondents in the second study:
Four hundred seventy-seven women and 311 men completed the racism and sexism questionnaires for extra credit in their introductory psychology course. Nearly all respondents were European-American.
Id. p. 205. Women receiving college degrees now outnumber men by about 40%. In the Modern Sexism Study, female respondents outnumbered male respondents by about 60%. The greater degree of gender inequality in the Modern Sexism Study reflects large gender inequality in the academic field of psychology.
[4] Id.
[5] Wikipedia lists sixteen different scales to measure to sexism, gender bias, and beliefs about gender. Many more could be created to satisfy different prejudices of different researchers. The World Values Survey provides a leading example of a sexist measurement of sexism.
Baron, Sherry, Meg A. Bond, Dianne Cazeca, Sivan Daniel, Alketa Kalaja, Pia Markkanen, Laura Punnett, and Lana Tsurikova. 2007. Expanding our understanding of the psychosocial work environment: a compendium of measures of discrimination, harassment and work-family issues. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
Swim, Janet K., Kathryn J. Aikin, Wayne S. Hall, and Barbara A. Hunter. 1995. “Sexism and racism: Old-fashioned and modern prejudices.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 68 (2): 199-214.
This article was written by an under-educated moron who makes things up instead of studying them.
Perhaps you’re sexist? Egalitarians appear under-educated to sexist persons!
bien dit
Dear Mr. Douglas Galbi
I am Febrianto, student from bunda mulia university, Jakarta Indonesia. I am currently conducting research on teenagers in Jakarta about new modern sexism scale. I am interested in the measuring instrument that you develop about new modern sexism.
I have seen your journal in international journals, and I want to use your measurement tool for my research. may I borrow your measurement questionnaire along with assessment and interpretation methods?
I am very grateful if you want to send the file to me, and this research is not for commercial purposes and is only used for my final project research.
this is my email :
thank you for your participation in my research
For the Modern Sexism questionnaire, you should contact Swim et. al. The questions I constructed above are a critique of the sexism inherent in the Modern Sexism Scale.
Aside from your biased language, you’re sources aren’t entirely credible. Wikepedia??
Not quite. Swim, Aikin, Hall & Hunter (1995), which I cited above, doesn’t even rise to the mediocre intellectual standard of Wikipedia. That published article shows no consciousness of sexism and no awareness of its own biases. You should be able to understand.
There is a lot nof confusion today about sexism. Many of us have strange feelings about our status. Am I a male? A Female? Something in-between? I have had sex with females & it was not enjoyable. I then tried sex with a man & did not like his submissiveness. Then a Black man really fucked the hell out of me and I loverd it! He threatened to cut my balls off & I got so arroused but begged him not to. I think the day will come when I will let that happen. I thinkm I might feel better if I take hormone shots and give up my cock & balls.
I have met a few trans and they tell me to do it! Should I? will I regret it??
I think you can have a good life without surgery. Treasure your unique being!
What a dangerous and vapid website.
Check your soul. Do better.
Thinking about sexism is a dangerous activity these days, but someone has to do it. Don’t let the truth scare you. Be not afraid!