I’ve made some additions and revisions to the CS Ad Expenditure Dataset that I posted two weeks ago. One important addition is alternative figures for U.S. internet advertising, 1997-2007. See the “internet” spreadsheet in the CS Ad Dataset. This spreadsheet gives the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s (IAB) U.S. internet advertising revenue for 1997-2007, as well as U.S. advertising figures for Google (2002-2007), Yahoo (2002-2007), and newspapers (2003-2007). These additional data show that the Coen internet advertising expenditures for 2004-2007 are far too low. I’ve kept the Coen internet figures in the category-structured database because the effect of revisions in the internet figures on other figures isn’t clear.
I’ve made some minor revisions to the pre-1935 advertising figures. These figures might be of some current interest because they span the Great Depression. Between 1929 and 1933, U.S. GDP fell 46% and total advertising expenditure fell 54%. A combination of bad luck, wrong decisions, and shattered faith made that disaster. It need not happen again, but it could.
David Carson of Husky Media has observed that online video advertising has suffered from having a television ad model imposed on it. He asks, “why are we blindly accepting that the best way to build online-video markets is by applying an ad model from a completely different medium like television?” Note that the Coen categorization includes $37.4 billion advertising expenditure in an “other” cateogory in 2007. For comparison, the IAB recorded $21.2 billion in internet advertising expenditure in 2007, and the Coen figure for broadcast television is $44.5 billion. The large size of the “other” category indicates that much advertising expenditure is not easily classified. A wide range of advertising forms already exist, but tend to be underappreciated.
As noted previously, that data are also available in an Excel workbook.
Update: I’ve added estimated yearly Microsoft online U.S. advertising revenue, 2002-2007, to the Internet sheet in the ad expenditure dataset.
Hi, I would like look into updated figures under this framework. Do you know any website where they are free to attain’
The only freely available advertising data are IRS advertising data and advertising data from the U.S.Census of Services. Check that out.