Arachnophilia, an extraordinary web page development workshop, is available under a CareWare license. Arachnophilia’s author Paul Lutus explains:
here is a payment I will accept for a copy of Arachnophilia — To own Arachnophilia, I ask that you stop whining about how hard your life is, at least for a while. When Americans whine, nearly everybody else in the world laughs. We have so much, and yet we manage to:
- Overlook great examples of beauty around us,
- Miss our most important opportunities,
- Manage to make ourselves miserable by expecting something even better to come along.
Every time we whine about how tough we have it, apart from the fact that we look ridiculous, we make it harder for people around us to appreciate how much we have. We encourage people to overlook the things we do have, the gifts of man and nature. We provide a context to dismiss everything as not good enough, to be miserable in the midst of plenty.
Don’t get the wrong impression — many things are unjust, things that should be struggled against until they are made right. This page is for people who can’t find even one thing to take joy in, to appreciate. These people not only make themselves miserable, but they infect others with the attitude that the world should right itself, by itself, before they will take simple pleasure in anything.
So here is my deal: stop whining for an hour, a day, a week, your choice, and you will have earned your copy of Arachnophilia. Say encouraging words to young people, make them feel welcome on the planet Earth (many do not). Show by example that we don’t need all we have in order to be happy and productive.
Being able to encounter the work of astonishing persons like Paul Lutus is what makes the Internet great. In honor of Lutus’ pioneering CareWare license, all posts on purple motes this week I release under a CareWare license.