Photo-sharing activity on Flickr jumps on Monday and then gradually decreases to Sunday. Averaged across 10/9 May and 17/16 May 2011, the Monday/Sunday change for DSLR cameras, point & shoot cameras, and camera phones are 36%, 26%, and 23%, respectively.[*] Uploading to Flickr photos accumulated over the weekend plausibly explains the Monday/Sunday increase.
Flickr is working hard to develop good mobile applications. Good mobile applications would allow simple, immediate transfer of photos from a camera phone to Flickr. If Flickr camera phone users were using such mobile apps, one might expect to see a lower (and possibly even negative) Monday/Sunday posting change. The Monday/Sunday posting change might serve as an indicator for Flickr mobile integration.
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Related post: photo sharing via mobile phones
Statistics: Needle database of Flickr camera use statistics
[*] Flickr camera statistics are updated every day about 5pm EST. Needle collects the data at 3am. Hence in the Flickr Needle database, the data collected on a given collection date refers to Flickr data posted about 5pm EST on the previous day. I’ve defined the data day (which determines the day of the week) as the day prior to the Needle collection date. That appears to be more plausible than defining the data day as two days before the Needle collection date.