personal services for economically managing communications

Applications for technically managing communications are common.  Email applications typically allow the user to set rules for filtering, routing, and archiving emails.  Telephone companies provide some call management services such as call forwarding and call blocking.  Google Voice offers call routing based on the calling number, the time of day, and your phone numbers or voice mails.  For example, you could set calls from your father to ring on all your phones — your home fixed-line phone, your work phone, and your mobile phone.  You could also set calls from your ex-boyfriend to be always routed to your voicemail.

Personal services for economically managing communications are less developed.  Google Voice doesn’t include call-routing options based on your service prices and your minutes of use.  For example, you can’t switch routing of calls from your mobile phone to your voice mail when you’re close to exceeding your purchased block of minutes. Companies like Truaxis and Validas access customers’ online telephone account information to offer personalized, money-saving recommendations on calling plans and service providers.  But those companies don’t allow customers to set rules for call processing based on the customer’s calling prices and use.

Personal data on communication service prices and service use aren’t readily available for the development of services for economically managing communications.  A challenge for the communications industry is to make such data available through smart disclosure.

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