video searching and ad targeting

Searching video is notoriously difficult. That implies a scaling problem for a large video repository like YouTube. Given relatively fixed amounts of video tagging and category information, more videos imply relatively less information for searching among videos and targeting ads to videos. YouTube’s announcement of new APIs for external use of the YouTube video platform … Continue reading video searching and ad targeting

television serves couch potatoes

Most television watching is best modeled as a two-stage decision process. First, a person decides to watch television. That means the person sits on a couch and stares vacantly at a large screen a few yards away. Then the person decides what to watch. That means choosing among current, salient video programming offerings. These two … Continue reading television serves couch potatoes

new sports stars

Steve Outing observes: For years, sports enthusiasts have read about their sports in magazines, mostly — with advice and celebrity profiles written by professional journalists and freelancers, and the occasional athlete. But what we’re seeing with the EG sites [here] (which are primarily about climbers/bikers/runners/et al sharing their own stories and images) is that people … Continue reading new sports stars

video content economics

Content is glamorous. Stars, drama, action, romance, suspense. But if you want to understand how Internet video distribution will evolve, you’ve gotta get your nose into dull facts and the dismal science. Video content has little relevance to aggregate patterns of video consumption. Growth in discretionary (leisure) time is closely correlated with time spent watching … Continue reading video content economics