John Lydus on a revolution in formal authority

Systematic decision-making requires supporting information technology.  In sixth-century Byzantium, the judicial bureaucrat John Lydus complained that the new, leading financial bureaucrat: did not give the business that was being transacted to the proper overseers of the regions, called tractatores, namely, “regional governors,” or to accountants, to be filled in conformably to the established custom in … Continue reading John Lydus on a revolution in formal authority

ancient Roman pantomime: Bathyllus, Pylades, and other celebrities

Among ancient Roman mass media, pantomime had an attention share probably only slightly smaller than chariot racing and gladiator fights. Ancient Roman pantomimes presented emotionally fraught mythic episodes through the bodily movement of a mute, solo dancer. Pantomime rapidly gained attention beginning about 23 BGC under the reign of Augustus. Two pantomime dancers — Bathyllus … Continue reading ancient Roman pantomime: Bathyllus, Pylades, and other celebrities