Bike To Work Day

If you’re driving to work and see a cyclist, smile because that’s one less car clogging up the road in front of you. A bicycle on the road means less pollution in the air you breath, less damage to your environment, and lower health care costs that your taxes support.

Hitting a cyclist can cause scratches and dents to your car. And death to the cyclist. You really don’t want to do that. The more cyclists on the road, the happier you should be. So even if you don’t ride a bike, support local cycling organizations like the Washington Area Bicyclist Association and celebrate Bike To Work Day!

The hard-working staff of citizen reporters at purple motes brings you complete news coverage of this year’s Bike To Work Day action at the Rosslyn pit stop. Get informed about the good news on the road to work.

[if you don’t see the video, try here]

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