“life is for the living” my mom often said
Includes a link to the celebration of life video that Dwight made for my mom. … Read the post “life is for the living” my mom often said
Joan Marie Galbi, née Gorra, lived an ordinary life in an extraordinary way. These tributes put her perspective, her voice, and her art in dialogue with mine. I’m profoundly grateful for my mom’s unconditional love and care for me and for her inspiring example of living well.
Includes a link to the celebration of life video that Dwight made for my mom. … Read the post “life is for the living” my mom often said
Words from my mom and to my mom. Good night, sweet mom. Whether I’m asleep or awake, I will always hear your loving voice. … Read the post “good night, sweet mom”: words at my mom’s celebration of life
An abstract print that my mom made as a self-portrait shows her artistic sophistication and humility. … Read the post my mom’s self-portrait
“Mud is the most poetical thing in the world.” Yes, mud was the genesis of all humans, the most poetical things in the world. … Read the post the mud of sex and violence is one with the good earth
Shel Silverstein’s poem “The Little Blue Engine” is less scary that his poem “Listen to the Mustn’ts.” Unbounded possibilities include real nightmares. … Read the post on that little blue engine and the horror of unbounded possibilities