COB-87: Jacques sticks to job description at washtub
The Washtub (Le Cuvier), a farce from 15th-century France, presents a great moment in bureaucratic history. … Read the post COB-87: Jacques sticks to job description at washtub
A celebration of bureaucrats and bureaucracy. Whether in government, business, or non-profits, meetings, reports, meetings, conferences, reports, and meetings constitute daily life in a large organization.
The Washtub (Le Cuvier), a farce from 15th-century France, presents a great moment in bureaucratic history. … Read the post COB-87: Jacques sticks to job description at washtub
Innovation is a fashionable buzzword bandied about by anti-bureaucrats these days. Don’t be deceived. The Standard Blue Book of Bureaucratic Procedures and Practices (22nd ed., 1986) begins with bureaucratic wisdom from about 2300 years ago: What has been is what will be and what has been done is what will be done and there is … Continue reading COB-86: ancient bureaucratic wisdom
Children and students need more STEM education to prepare for STEM careers. … Read the post COB-85: STEM is vital for workforce
When Shi Miao finished his term of office in Shouchun, he gave his ox calf to the people of Shouchun for excellent bureaucratic reasons. … Read the post COB-84: Shi Miao exemplified bureaucratic virtue
Just like every tree in the forest matters, details are essential in bureaucratic work. Remember the celebrated bureaucratic career of Berechiah ha-Nakdan. … Read the post COB-83: every detail matters in bureaucratic work