authors beware: 80% of books sell less than 100 copies
Most published books attract few readers and sell few copies. But such books in aggregate can be publicly valuable. … Read the post authors beware: 80% of books sell less than 100 copies
Most published books attract few readers and sell few copies. But such books in aggregate can be publicly valuable. … Read the post authors beware: 80% of books sell less than 100 copies
Anita Elberse’s new book Blockbusters convincingly argues that promoting blockbusters is the best economic strategy for business even in the Internet era. … Read the post blockbusters triumph for Internet-era business
Intense literary status competition in the ancient Islamic world created considerable misery among literary writers. … Read the post misery of literary writers in the ancient Islamic world
Paper was more important for wrapping, toilet paper, and record-keeping than for storing and transmitting high-value symbolic arrangements. … Read the post early history of paper not closely connected to elite writing
Owner-specified book curses can make new owners of a book feel uncomfortable because of others’ suspicions of theft. … Read the post book curses reduce exchange value