recognize women’s combat advantages for military gender equality

The platitude is not false, it seems
that every man who is not endowed with deep-dyed wits,
who does not boast a sharp mind, who does not comprehend what is needful,
delights in being flattered and embraces you
and is glad and thrilled on hearing what he wants to hear.
If you tell the truth, if you provoke him with inquiries,
he hates you and reviles you and looks on your words
like daggers, like the venom of a poisonous snake. [1]

wounded men soldiers

Why, after more than three decades of intensive concern about gender equality and sex discrimination, are only men still subject to U.S. Selective Service registration? Armed forces have enough non-combat roles that sexist Selective Service registration could have been abolished even before opening any combat roles to women. In fact, the U.S. government has moved forward to require all combat positions be open to women. Mainstream news sources prominently feature stories about women signing up for elite military units. Yet abolishing sexist Selective Service, like showing any concern about gender disparities in active-duty injury and death incidence and enacting divorce equality for child custody and child support, hasn’t happened. Why does gender equality in military service remain such an anti-men farce?

Achieving gender equality in military service requires frank and fearless appreciation for women’s comparative advantage in combat. With a directness scarcely possible in today’s less liberal and less tolerant societies, an author in twelfth-century Byzantium addressed the issue of women in combat:

Women are clever and daring in these matters
and skilled and inventive in contriving deceits,
but in performing and venturing on other matters they are very fearful.
They are bad at looking on iron, they are terrified when swords are drawn,
they are incompetent in practical matters, runaways in battle.
However, when it comes to stitching plots and deceitful conspiracies
and vengeful attacks on a man who has harmed them,
no lioness is more bloodthirsty than they. [2]

Not all women are like that. Much evidence, however, indicates that women are superior to men in social sophistication and guile. That means that women would fight better than men as cyber-warriors spreading demoralization and unrest through social media. Today’s military services must be prepared to draft women for such combat. The number of social media warriors needed, however, probably isn’t sufficient to exploit the full body of draftable women.

To use women broadly and intensively, military services must adopt sophisticated tactics. The brilliant twelfth-century woman leader Hysmine summarized such tactics in response to some banal observations from her boyfriend Hysminias:

Hysminias said to her: “Even if the female sex is more ardent, and more changeable by nature, nevertheless, as the tragedy says,

When she is wronged in the marriage bed,
there is no mind more bloodthirsty.”

Her cheeks quivered slightly as Hysmine said: “Blessings on men’s constancy and their cold good sense in the face of passion’s fires.

Why should this upset me, when I die in word
but am saved by action, and carry off the glory?” [3]

Hysminias alluded to Virgil’s well-established wisdom that women are dynamic and highly responsive to circumstances.[4] Experience also shows that women will battle much more viciously against their husbands or ex-husbands than they ever would against some foreign enemy. Hysminias’s observations slightly upset Hysmine (his observations surely would disturb most women much more today). With remarkable poise and generosity, Hysmine responded by praising men (such praise is seldom heard today). Hysmine’s final couplet, a quote from Sophicles’s Electra, indicates how to spur women to glory in compulsory military service.[5]

To spur women to glory, military services must turn to fiction. Women should be drafted en masse into airborne infantry. If war breaks out, each woman in the airborne women infantry should be assigned a fictive husband among the enemy ranks. Profile pictures, biographical details, interests and activities of these men could be harvested through social media to help the women’s airborne build a personal connection to their fictive husbands. The airborne women would then be air-dropped into the cities and towns where these men live with other women. The airborne women’s mission would be to kill their husbands. The more progressive and gender-egalitarian women would kill their husbands’ wives and girlfriends, too. The airborne women infantry would be unstoppable in devastating enemy society. Weaponizing women creates the ultimate weapon of mass social destruction.

Throughout history, lethal interpersonal violence has been highly disproportionately directed at men. That dire gender inequality should be redressed through focused public effort to reduce violence against men. Eliminating sexist U.S. Selective Service registration would be a significant symbolic step toward treating men’s lives as no less valuable than women’s lives.

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[1] Constantine Manasses, Aristandros and Kallithea, frag. 77, from Atticizing Greek trans. Jeffreys (2012) pp. 305-6. This and subsequent quotes include some insubstantial modifications in the translations.

[2] Aristandros and Kallithea, frag. 164, trans. Jeffreys (2012) p. 332. While highly privileged women of the Byzantine court probably were incompetent in practical matters, most women throughout history have worked outside the home performing practical, vital jobs such as tending animals, trading goods, and getting water. On women’s work outside the home in ancient Greece, Cohen (1991) Ch. 6.

[3] Eumathios Makrembolites, Hysmine and Hysminias 9.23.1-2, from Atticizing Greek trans. Jeffreys (2012) p. 253.

[4] Virgil, Aeneid 4.569, varium et mutabile semper femina {a woman is always varying and circumstantially responsive}.

[5] Hysmine quotes Sophocles, Electra 59-60. In George Theodoridis’s translation of Electra, those lines are: “How can a fictional death hurt me? Dead in fiction, alive in truth and able to earn glory!” Hyminias quotes Euripides, Medea 265-66. These citations are given in Jeffrey’s footnotes.

[image] Wounded American assault troops of the 3d Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st U.S. Infantry Division, who stormed Omaha Beach. Colleville-sur-Mer, Normandy, France, 6 June 1944. U.S. National Archives, ARC Identifier: 531187. Via Wikimedia Commons.


Cohen, David. 1991. Law, sexuality, and society: the enforcement of morals in classical Athens. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Jeffreys, Elizabeth, trans. and notes. 2012. Four Byzantine novels: Theodore Prodromos, Rhodanthe and Dosikles; Eumathios Makrembolites, Hysmine and Hysminias;  Constantine Manasses, Aristandros and Kallithea; Niketas Eugenianos, Drosilla and Charikles. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.

Charikles redeemed Byzantine novel from romantic simplicity

maiden in garden

Men in love often fall disastrously into romantic simplicity, just as Hysminias did in the twelfth-century Byzantine novel Hysmine and Hysminias. Charikles in the twelfth-century Byzantine novel Drosilla and Charikles taught a more propitious way. Men must be cunning enchanters and act like scoundrels to ignite women’s sexual desire.

As a captive of the mighty Parthian Empire, Charikles became a love advisor to Kleinias, son of the Parthian ruler. Charikles’s beloved maiden Drosilla became a captive of Kleinias’s mother. Kleinias fell in love with her. Like Rome in relation to Greece, “he was taken captive by the captive maiden.”[1] Kleinias softly murmured to himself highly cultured thoughts of passion for Drosilla:

Nectar, the drink of the gods, seems mythical to me
in comparison with your strange sweetness, you of the crystal breast.
For if I look on you as a ripening cluster of grapes,
should one press your chest like a sweet grape
or pour out a nectar-like flow of a pleasant new vintage
or a comb of aromatic honey?
Your face seems to me a meadow, maiden,
most comely slave of my mother Chrysilla.
Your delightful complexion is that of a narcissus,
the bloom of your cheeks is that of a red-hued rose,
your two eyes are like a dark-gleaming violet,
your curling locks are entwined ivy.
Oh, how can I drag my eyes away
from your beauty, the vision of your face? [2]

As courtly men conventionally did, Kleinias then picked up a lyre to sing to himself about his desperate love for Drosilla. His long, mournful O antiphons repetitively, obsessively addressed Drosilla with not seven but ten O’s. The last three:

O Drosilla, how you burn up Kleinias!
But look, night seems to be coming on, girl,
and I have still long roads to travel;
either accept your fellow banqueter as your bedfellow
or, if you do not want this, with a responsive word
kindle a torch from your lips,
for I know you can do this if you want.

O Drosilla, how you burn up Kleinias!
and illuminate this present evening for me
and lighten the wearisome darkness for me
and allow me, O radiant lantern, to make haste
homewards without losing my way or stumbling.
I suffer from inflammation of the brain and madness;
do not begrudge me the remedies that end the pain.

O Drosilla, how you burn up Kleinias!

Kleinias hadn’t learned from Ovid. He was a ignorant soldier for love.

Charikles showed his master Kleinias a more propitious way to stir a woman’s passion. Charikles recounted how he had addressed a delicate, beautiful girl dripping with dew (drosos) in a garden burgeoning with flowers:

Greetings, gardener to so many flowers;
why do you not open the door to me? [3]

That’s a variant of the well-established apocalypse opener for seducing a woman. Charikles then evoked the anguish of Narcissus in his self-absorption and the death of Hyacinth, who ignored the love-smitten Zephyr. That’s literary negging of the girl. Charikles finally declared to the girl that she’s ignorant about what he is saying.

Charicles acting like a jerk and a scoundrel inflamed the girl’s passion for him. She responded with astonishment and rebuke, fused with sexual desire:

How you have sweetened my aching heart.
You are a cunning enchanter, I see, wretch;
you turn despair into content.
Scoundrel, what do you say? Pass through the doors,
admire the garden, behold the couch
and regale me with your tales,
since you have learned from experience how great an evil is desire.
Pluck roses from my rose bush;
recline, I will join you.
Will you eat something, scoundrel? There is no fruit;
even if there is no ripe apple in the garden,
accept my breast in place of an apple;
if it pleases you, miserable one, bend down and eat.
If there are no ripe grapes on the vine,
squeeze the clusters from my firm breast;
take a pleasant kiss from me instead of the honeycomb.
Instead of the twining around tree and branches,
which anyone who wants to gather fruit knows,
I am the tree; come, embrace me;
you have my arms in place of branches.
I am the tree; ascend me,
harvest the fruit that is sweeter than honey.

Such words many men long to hear. The main impediment to men hearing such words is poor education and today’s deeply entrenched hostility to undocumented scholars.

Merely by virtue of their human being, men are entitled to love. Moreover, most men love women and want to make women happy. Study of Drosilla and Charikles and other Byzantine literature can help men and women along the complicated path to more humane and joyful lives.

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[1] Niketas Eugenianos, Drosilla and Charikles 4.107, from Atticizing Greek trans. Jeffreys (2012) p. 389. Cf. Horace, Epistles 2.1.156: “Captive Greece took captive her rude conqueror and brought the arts to rustic Latium {Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit et artes intulit agresti Latio}.” For textual background on Drosilla and Charikles, see note [1] in my post on Maryllis.

[2] Drosilla and Charikles 4.119-32, trans. Jeffreys (2012) p. 390. Subsequent quotes above are from Drosilla and Charikles (cited by line number and page in Jeffreys’s translation): 4.198-219, p. 392 (O Drosilla…); 4.246-7, p. 392 (Greetings, gardener…); 4.267-88, pp. 394-5 (How you have sweetened…).

[3] Drosos (the Greek word for dew) can be read as a punning identification of Charikles’s beloved with Drosilla. The figures of the encounter in the garden draw upon the sensuous imagery of the Song of Songs. Roilos (2005) Ch. 3.

[image] Statue of Hui’an maiden in Quanzhou, Fujian, China. Photo thanks to GnuDoyng and Wikimedia Commons.


Jeffreys, Elizabeth, trans. and notes. 2012. Four Byzantine novels: Theodore Prodromos, Rhodanthe and Dosikles; Eumathios Makrembolites, Hysmine and Hysminias;  Constantine Manasses, Aristandros and Kallithea; Niketas Eugenianos, Drosilla and Charikles. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.

Roilos, Panagiotis. 2005. Amphoteroglossia: a poetics of the twelfth-century medieval Greek novel. Hellenic Studies Series 10. Washington, DC: Center for Hellenic Studies.